Explore White Rock Lake
White Rock Lake is considered the jewel of the Dallas parks
system. From boating, biking, and bird watching to walking,
picnicking, and fishing, there’s something for everyone to
The White Rock Lake Foundation focuses on the preservation of
White Rock Lake’s natural health and beauty for the benefit of
people and wildlife.
Image courtesy of Le Ann Tawney
Urban Oasis
Construction of White Rock Lake commenced in 1910 in response to a water
shortage in the City of Dallas. At the time, the mayor of Dallas
promised to create a water source that would ensure the city would never
run out of water. Today, White Rock Lake is the largest urban lake in
the United States, and at over 1,015 acres, White Rock Lake Park is
twice the size of New York City’s Central Park. An oasis in the heart of
the city, White Rock Lake Park is enjoyed by sports enthusiasts,
picnickers, bird watchers, and walkers from all over the city and the
Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, as well as visitors from around the world.
Map courtesy of Google Maps
The Need For Private Funding and Support
Funding for parks has been significantly reduced by the City of Dallas in
the past several years. Your help is needed for White Rock Lake Park to
continue to be a true urban oasis. The White Rock Lake Foundation
pledges to continue as a leading force to ensure that quality
renovations and improvements are reflective of the desires of
surrounding neighborhoods and the visiting groups and
individuals who utilize White Rock Lake Park every
Download Dallas Parks & Recreation official Park Map
Around the Lake
We have compiled a handy list of resources to help you explore White Rock
If you have a suggestion of a resource for this list please contact us.
Image courtesy of Bobbie Baird
Explore the Lake
Advocate Magazine Lakewood/East Dallas
Bath House Cultural Center http://bathhouse.dallasculture.org/
City of Dallas https://dallascityhall.com/Pages/default.aspx
City Council Place 9 Paula Blackmon https://dallascityhall.com/government/citycouncil/district9/Pages/default.aspx
Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Garden https://www.dallasarboretum.org/
For the Love of the Lake https://whiterocklake.org/
Friends of Santa Fe Trail https://www.friendsofsantafetrail.org/
Dallas Park & Recreation https://www.dallasparks.org/
Dallas Park & Recreation – White Rock Lake https://www.dallasparks.org/235/White-Rock-Lake
White Rock Lake Conservancy https://whiterockdallas.org/
White Rock Lake Task Force https://www.facebook.com/WRLTF/
White Rock Lake Dog Park http://www.dallasparks.org/Facilities/Facility/Details/Mockingbird-Point-Dog-Park-358
Bath House Cultural Center http://bathhouse.dallasculture.org/
City of Dallas https://dallascityhall.com/Pages/default.aspx
City Council Place 9 Paula Blackmon https://dallascityhall.com/government/citycouncil/district9/Pages/default.aspx
Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Garden https://www.dallasarboretum.org/
For the Love of the Lake https://whiterocklake.org/
Friends of Santa Fe Trail https://www.friendsofsantafetrail.org/
Dallas Park & Recreation https://www.dallasparks.org/
Dallas Park & Recreation – White Rock Lake https://www.dallasparks.org/235/White-Rock-Lake
White Rock Lake Conservancy https://whiterockdallas.org/
White Rock Lake Task Force https://www.facebook.com/WRLTF/
White Rock Lake Dog Park http://www.dallasparks.org/Facilities/Facility/Details/Mockingbird-Point-Dog-Park-358
Park Facilities
Big Thicket
The Filter Building on White Rock Lake http://thefilterbuilding.com/filterbuilding/home
Winfrey Point http://www.dallasparks.org/278/White-Rock-Rental-Facilities
The Filter Building on White Rock Lake http://thefilterbuilding.com/filterbuilding/home
Winfrey Point http://www.dallasparks.org/278/White-Rock-Rental-Facilities
Bike Trails
Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association https://www.dorba.org/
Greater Dallas Bicyclists https://gdbclub.clubexpress.com/
Richardson Bike Mart https://www.bikemart.com/
Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association https://www.dorba.org/
Greater Dallas Bicyclists https://gdbclub.clubexpress.com/
Richardson Bike Mart https://www.bikemart.com/
BMW Dallas Marathon
Dallas Running Club https://dallasrunningclub.com/
Hiking Trails https://www.dallasparks.org/235/White-Rock-Lake
White Rock Running Co-op http://www.thewrrc.com/
Dallas Running Club https://dallasrunningclub.com/
Hiking Trails https://www.dallasparks.org/235/White-Rock-Lake
White Rock Running Co-op http://www.thewrrc.com/
Water Sports
Corinthian Sailing Club
White Rock Boat Club http://whiterockboatclub.com/
White Rock Rowing https://www.whiterockrowing.org/
Dallas United Crew https://www.dallasunitedcrew.org/
White Rock Boat Club http://whiterockboatclub.com/
White Rock Rowing https://www.whiterockrowing.org/
Dallas United Crew https://www.dallasunitedcrew.org/
Views from White Rock Lake
The White Rock Lake Foundation is so grateful to these three talented photographers who generously agreed to allow the use of their images on our website. They hold the copyrights to their images, which appear here by their permission. Thank you to the following artists and photographers.
Sue Benner
An internationally recognized and
collected textile artist, Sue began photographing the lake in 2015 and
made it an “official” study in 2016. She lives east of White
Rock and walks at the lake mornings or evenings about 5 days a week,
either alone, with friends, or with her husband.
Website: www.suebenner.com
Instagram: @bennersue is my walking photos
account and @suebennerart is my new studio
Facebook: Sue Benner Textile Artist
Bobbie Baird
Bobbie has lived west of White Rock
Lake since 1987. She began photographing it in 2013 and visits the lake
at least 3-4 times per week.
Instagram: @bbaird2
Le Ann Tawney
Le Ann has been taking pictures for several years but really got interested
in the past 2-3 years. Using her iPhone XS, she goes to White Rock Lake at
least 2-3 times a week, usually early weekday mornings (less crowded) for
between 4 and 5 miles.
Instagram: @whiterock941
Facebook: Posts frequently on the private group page “White Rock Lake! that’s my

Clockwise from top left: Bobbie Baird, Sue Benner (5), Bobbie Baird (2), Le Ann Tawney, Sue Benner, Bobbie Baird, Sue Benner, Le Ann Tawney (2)
Get Social #WRLF
We love seeing your photographs of the lake! You can tag #WRLF to show up
in our site feed or tag us on Instagram and be sure to follow us @whiterocklakefoundation.
Become a Member
The White Rock Lake Foundation focuses on the preservation of White Rock
Lake’s natural health and beauty for the benefit of people and
Make a Donation
Your support is vital to the mission of The White Rock Lake Foundation.
You can support our efforts by making a donation to The White Rock Lake